Blog Archives

The Squirrel Report – 202

Massachusetts effectively bans all semi-automatic rifles. (Do you think Weerd is a little upset?) Also! The Cleveland non-riots, flag burner sets himself on fire (YAY!), and why nostalgia for a “golden age” of government is stupid. Continue reading

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The Squirrel Report – 201

This will be a good episode if you’re playing the drinking game. Do you know the difference between a turtle, tortoise, and terrapin? If you listen to the end, you will. Before that you’ll hear an hour chock full of … Continue reading → Continue reading

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The Squirrel Report – 200

Episode 200! I feel like I should have a fireworks photo or something. We’ve been doing this since March 2012 and we appreciate everyone that listens. Thanks for putting up with us. If you ordered a SQRPT 2016 shirt they … Continue reading → Continue reading

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The Squirrel Report – 199

Episode 199! Next week is episode 200, but tonight we’re partying like it’s 199. Here is the link mentioned in the show:: Absolutely NSFW! It’s The Squirrel Report – 199 Available on Stitcher! Continue reading

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The Squirrel Report – 198

We met our T-Shirt goal! Thanks! If you ordered one, you’ll get a shipping notice from Teespring soon. It’s another long show! Jay was out feeding the fishes or whatever he’s doing in Maine. The rest is a cornucopia of … Continue reading → Continue reading

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The Squirrel Report – 197

Only 7 more days! Order your SQRPT 2016 shirt before it’s too late! This show was pretty ranty and it’s an hour and a half long. This is the Econtalk episode I talk about in the beginning. The part I … Continue reading → Continue reading

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Squirrel Report – 196

The clock is ticking! Order your SQRPT 2016 shirt before it’s too late! Techno-nerd talk, Library Tales, Cabbage, Countries who listen to SQRPT, Breda needs an Upper. It’s The Squirrel Report – 196 Available on Stitcher! Continue reading

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Squirrel Report – 195

Cooking with Weerd, Cleveland GOP, Libertarian Douchebags, What gun for Gorilla?, The rain in Texas falls mainly on my head. We’re doing a shirt! For real this time! Details soon! All that and more on this week’s SQRPT! It’s The … Continue reading → Continue reading

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Squirrel Report – 194

An almost election free show! Post NRAAM show. Over 80,000 people attended the NRA Annual Meeting in Louisville, KY this year. (Texas was bigger) Weerd found a bullpup he likes. 1911s made from a meteorite. PLUS! A super secret reveal! Continue reading

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Squirrel Report – 193

Cosmo Day 2016! Trump vs Hillary! The Rerun! It’s cute how some of you still think national elections matter. It’s The Squirrel Report – 193 Get it on iTunes! Available on Stitcher! Continue reading

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