Blog Archives

The Squirrel Report – 292

Waiting room TV Chris Pratt Movies for men? More about movies Star Wars, Star Trek, B5 400 Million Guns Separated Kids Join our FB Group (SQRPT) and ask Breda for a SQRPT Sticker! (But don’t ask her for a shirt, … Continue reading → Continue reading

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The Squirrel Report – 291

Dominos Fixes your potholes Congress announces they’ve solved all the problems and move to outlaw child sex robots. Lena Dunham’s Manhole IHOP IHOb Clinton – I think the norms have really changed in terms of, what you can do to … Continue reading → Continue reading

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The Squirrel Report – 290

BattleBots! Country Time Lemonade with a great marketing win Californistan makes it illegal to shower and do laundry on the same day And Jay said Y’all. Texas wins again. Join our FB Group (SQRPT) and ask Breda for a SQRPT … Continue reading → Continue reading

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The Squirrel Report – 289

London’s Commission on Cycling and Walking Starbucks! Library Story! Recipe! The Roseanne thing. And finally, because Jay mentioned and I had to ask, the 224 Valkyrie. Join our FB Group (SQRPT) and ask Breda for a SQRPT Sticker! Continue reading

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The Squirrel Report – 288

All things Brittish With Hayden! The Queen! The Royals! Illegal Whisks! $27 per gallon! Chelsea Tractors That weird Sedan on a truck frame thing. The Royal Wedding Harry’s Lapels Plus Bonus Minutes! (Because Hayden brought up electric cars which lead …… Continue reading

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The Squirrel Report – 287

Prairie Dog Vacuum The Rodenator Rounds in A Pound! Laurel/Yanny, WTF? Social Media then and now Media’s big MS13 lie Join our FB Group (SQRPT) and ask Breda for a SQRPT Sticker! (But don’t ask her for a shirt, we … Continue reading → Continue reading

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The Squirrel Report – 286

Special Guest Dr. John Edeen, talking about Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (Which sounds like a gun control group but is not!), Life as a pro gun doctor, Hospitals as “gun free” zones, and much more! BTW,  You can still … Continue reading → Continue reading

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The Squirrel Report – 285

Now Witness the Firepower of this fully Armed and Operational MDev! Jay is out selling guns to kids in Dallas (according to the Democrats) but we have long time friend of the show and used to be frequent caller (back … Continue reading → Continue reading

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The Squirrel Report – 284

Barbra Bush Ford will stop making “sedans” Kanye the Heretic! UK NHS strikes again. You can still get SQRPT shirts if you want one. And maybe a mug! Join our FB Group (SQRPT) and ask Breda for a SQRPT Sticker! … Continue reading → Continue reading

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The Squirrel Report – 283

London’s war on sharp bits of metal And other things British with Hayden Join our FB Group (SQRPT) and ask Breda for a SQRPT Sticker! (But don’t ask her for a shirt, we don’t give away shirts) It’s The Squirrel … Continue reading → Continue reading

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