Category Archives: Announcement
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
We’ll be talking to Matthew Allen (International Man of Mystery) who writes things like this when he’s not rescuing hostages or protecting plutocrats. Call-in topic: Since we’re no longer maintaining a historical basis for our money and are basing it … Continue reading
Squirrel Report – 149
Texas 2, ISIS 0 Isis claims they have 71 “trained fighters” in the US. Isn’t that cute. Check your reading privilege. And More! It’s The Squirrel Report – 149 Get it on iTunes! Available on Stitcher or Shoutcast streaming 24 … Continue reading
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
Texas 2, ISIS 0 Isis claims they have 71 “trained fighters” in the US. Isn’t that cute. Check your reading privilege. And something that’s just bizarre. Call in! 214-350-0036 If you’ve never called in before now is the time to … Continue reading
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
In Baltimore, a baseball game with no fans in the stands. Why do we see rioting in solidly Democrat controlled cities and none anywhere else? Hmmmmm… Bruce Jenner: Valid expression of identity or just crazy? Why can’t we call crazy … Continue reading
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
Tonight’s special guest is Oleg Volk. You’ve seen his work in magazine ads and photos on line. He is an outstanding photographer, artist, and a relentless advocate for the 2nd Amendment in the US, self defense and legal resistance to … Continue reading
Announcing the SQRPT PRIZE
The SQRPT PRIZE will be awarded annually to the person we select to receive it. The decision will be based solely on who we like best. Finally, an honest award for the 21st Century. SQRPT PRIZE 2015 will be awarded … Continue reading
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
Did you remember to give Uncle Sam his pound of flesh? Drown your sorrows with us tonight! (BYOB) Call in topic is a holdover from last week because we like it and didn’t get to hear from many people. What … Continue reading
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
Oh, Hugo! It seems that Liberals don’t like it when someone else does what they do. It’s turned into a huge kerfuffle. I haven’t had this much fun watching a liberal meltdown since Dan Rather was fake but accurate. Call … Continue reading
New Chat
I’ve changed the chat to an IRC channel. If you look at the chat page, you’ll notice that it’s changed. If you’ve never used IRC before just type in a nickname, leave the channel as #sqrpt and hit the start … Continue reading
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
We want to hear your voices on the show! Call in, especially if you’ve never called in before! We want to hear from you. Even if it’s nothing but, “Hi, my name is Star Lord and I listen all the … Continue reading