Category Archives: Announcement
Yes, There is a show tonight!
We’ll talk about that shellacking that Romney handed Obama in the first debate. We’ll also talk about the death of blogs, again, certain 2nd Amendment advocacy organizations stuck in the 80’s (technologically speaking). Plus whatever else strikes our fancy. Have … Continue reading
Tonight, On The Squirrel Report…
We’ve got a pretty darn good show planned, if we do say so ourselves… Topics will loosely center around the following: Not giving a shit about the election Breda’s librarian friend and self-defense mindset Roboleg update and OC :) Bacon … Continue reading
hide your squirrels, hide your nuts.
Hey, is it just this election or does it seem like the world is extra insane lately? Suddenly we’re apologizing for our First Amendment rights all over the world, the president is partying with Beyonce while the world burns, Old … Continue reading
Squirrel Report #26!
Join us tonight at 9 PM EST (the only time zone that matters) as our topics will include the incidents in the Middle East, the racism inherent in PBJs, and “tin ears” in the gunnie community. The call-in question will … Continue reading
SQRLy birthday!
The SQRPT will begin a half hour late tonight because one of our cohosts will be busy conquering hobos and guarding the keys to the gates of knowledge. It is a solemn, self-sacrificng duty which she nobly and humbly endures, … Continue reading
Tonight we’ll be talking about racism, the media’s RNC narrative vs. Obama 2016 (have you seen it?), the Empire State police spree shooting, the Wounded Warrior Blogshoot Fundraiser, and much more.* Tonight’s call-in topic: Quotes you need to know to … Continue reading
Oh, yes. SQRPT.
So, the media’s starting to turn on Obama, a Republican fucks it up, cupcakes are $8 each, and everyone’s wearing a kilt. (& hey, guns!) We have plenty of stuff to talk about, don’t you think? Show up tonight at … Continue reading
Tonight on SQRPT!
We have so many topics we probably won’t get to them all. (Tonight’s topics suggested by JB Miller) Bredas new haircut. Haircuts in general, buzzed with goat tees also. Ammo acquisitions by odd gov agencies. Conservative Lobby shooting. Liberals hate … Continue reading
Tonight on SQRPT!
Do you think all those people showed up at Chick-Fil-A yesterday because they hate the gays or because they don’t like official suppression of free speech? The Run, Hide, Fight! video is getting a lot of play all over the … Continue reading
Tonight on The Squirrel Report
Obama steps on the gun control 3rd rail. Seems he’s living in an alternate universe. Bloomberg says cops should go on strike. Did you know it’s illegal to call for a police strike? Imagine that, criminals don’t obey the law. … Continue reading