Category Archives: Announcement
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
Alan’s Big Northern Adventure. LaWeer’da update! The Wendy Davis Train Wreck When you’re anti-gun, stupid is a feature. All that and MORE! Tonight at 8:00 FOT, 9:00 Eastern. (7:00 Mountain, 6:00 Pacific and 9:00 am Tomorrow in Shanghai, China) Maybe … Continue reading
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
Some of the topics we may cover include: Feminists say teaching self-defense is “victim blaming” That checkpoint might not be what you think it is. And the court bitch slaps Chicago AGAIN. All this and MORE!!! Tonight, 8:00 FOT, 9:00 … Continue reading
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
Happy New Year, everybody! Burning down the house! (No, not the Talking Heads) Well, ok. But then what? Then there’s this uncomfortable comparison. All this and more! TONIGHT at 8:00 FOT, 9:00 Eastern
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
We have a special guest tonight. Sean Sorrentino will be calling in to talk about his recent experience with Moms Demand Action. We’ll also be talking about the recent Colorado incident where a good guy with a gun stopped a … Continue reading
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
Nail Polish! For the Children! If you’re in New York and the cops shoot at you and hit someone else, you could be charged with assault! Also, Funeral Selfies, “That’s not ASL”, and other crazy funeral tricks. Call in and … Continue reading
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
Every once in a while I run across a good TV show that I never heard of. Some were just one season (or less) wonders and others lasted several years. I usually find these shows through friends who are aghast … Continue reading
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
This time next week you’ll be stuffing yourself with food and some of you will be undoing that belt and settling down for some handegg action. We’re skipping next week, so this week we’re talking about Thanksgiving food. Do you … Continue reading
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
We really didn’t want to talk about Obamacare again but sometimes you just have to stop and watch the train wreck. And this is turning into a train wreck the likes of which we’ve never seen in the US. The … Continue reading
Tonight on The Squirrel Report!
We will have a special guest, Amanda, on to talk about her experience with The Armed Citizen Project and the 20/20 interview. We’ll also talk about the former editor at Guns & Ammo who zumboed himself, Arming TSA (what could … Continue reading
We have never…
The Squirrel Report has never received an order under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act. We would expect to challenge such an order if served on us. (Given that everything we do is public anyway, it’s moot but if … Continue reading