The Squirrel Report – 364

Flynn charges dropped

Media lies

Democrat lies (but I repeat myself)

Virus Stupidity

Respekt Their Authoritay!

It’s The Squirrel Report – 364

If you want a sticker talk to Breda in the SQRPT group.

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One Response to The Squirrel Report – 364

  1. Anthony Winfree says:


    I know that the NYT isn’t a stellar source but this report isn’t in line with their typical agenda.

    George Barnhill (the recused prosecutor) told the NYT that VIDEO EXISTS of Arbery in a house under construction, as well as video of Arbery attacking one of the McMichael’s when they pulled up (video not in public circulation).

    He also indicated that just before the McMichaels started pursuing Arbery, there was a 911 call of a black man in a white t-shirt being observed in a house under construction and then running away.

    Note also that one of the McMichaels is retired LE and that Barnhill says that both were in compliance of GA’s citizens’ arrest statute ( Peel’s rule #7) … you may not like a citizens’ arrest statute but that’s the rule.

    I’ve seen the ‘damning’ video and I saw Arbery fighting with McMichael for control of the shotgun (remember., it’s claimed that video exists of Arbery attacking McMichael). I have never heard any self-defense expert argue that you should let someone get control of your firearm. I HAVE heard Masaad Ayoob relate that if you confront an unarmed invader and they continue to advance, you should shoot them because none of the assumptions of what they will do if they reach you are good.

    Couple that with the very shaky filming that is hard to decipher and all of the inflamatory images currently floating around social media are stills taken such that paint Arbery in the best possible light.

    I suspect that this will be another Trayvon Martin/ Michael Brown situation because it’s starting out exactly the same.

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