Tonight on The Squirrel Report

Obama’s gun control shot down in flames. (And then he threw a tantrum about it)

Why does Reid have anything better than an F rating from the NRA? We’ve been told for years that “He’s good on guns” and that didn’t work out so well.

Trash cans are being removed in cities all over the US. Mostly because of faulty media reports about bombs in trash cans. (There is no actual evidence that any bomb was in a trash can Monday)

Call in and tell us your favorite anti-gun overreaction to anti-gun bill’s failure.

TONIGHT AT 8:00 Central (9:00 Eastern)


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One Response to Tonight on The Squirrel Report

  1. bluesun says:

    You know, in many cases there’s no actual evidence that people use trashcans, period.

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