Coming up on SQRPT!

Thursday will be interesting! We have the Supreme Court decision on Obamacare and the Holder contempt vote on the same day. We’ll also be talking about more SWATting, unplugged metal detectors and the epic fail of the Army trying to look as cool as Marines.

Thursday night at 8:00 Central!

UPDATE: Borepatch will be on talking about the SC Obamacare decision.

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4 Responses to Coming up on SQRPT!

  1. Pingback: Its Another Thursday Night! | Weer'd World

  2. Miguel says:

    I am still a bit too pissed… OK A FUCKING LOT…


  3. Cormac says:

    I was able to listen live a few weeks ago with the android winamp app… doesn’t seem to be working now. :-\

  4. mike w. says:

    I do think there are SOME good parts of the SCOTUS opinion on Obamacare, even though we lost.

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